Hare Rama Krishna

Sri Jagannath Centre was founded in 1998 in India with its goal of teaching Jyotisha Sastra in Guru/Sisya Parampara. Teachings are mostly based on teachings of Maharishi Parasara and Maharisi Jaimini as well as direct knowledge from Parampara. Our Parampara has its origin from Sri Acyuta Das who was one of the five disciples of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, from Jagannath Puri, India. Jagannath Rath was royal jyotisha who learnt jyotish from his grandfather. He wrote many books in his mother tongue with a goal to make jyotish closer to the people. Very often people from all parts of India used to visit him for help, reading. He taught Sanjay Rath this devine knowledge, who is his grandson. His eldest son Kasinath Rath was taught Hora Sastra. His brother, Sanjay’s father, U.K. Rath was taught advanced Ganita Sastra – Vedic astronomical mathematics. Sanjay spent most of his childhood with his uncle who used to have informal classes where he taught jyotish. I am very thankful to my Param Guru Sri Pandit Sanjay Rath who is the founder of Sri Jagannath Centre as well as other Centre’s (Siva, Devaguru Brihaspati Centre) and who is giving everyday this great knowledge for the welfare of mankind. Everyday people can join some of astrology forums at yahoo groups (sohamsa, varahamihira etc). My endless thank goes to my Siksa Guru Zoran Radosavljevic who has enlightened my jyotish path. With his grace this knowledge found its way to so many people in my country as well as in other countries (Croatia, Bosnia, Slovenia). At the moment many shishyas can make their life more harmonious and easier with help of this knowledge. I would also like to thank to Branka and Visti Larsen who gave me perfect opportunity of learning knowledge of Jaimini Maharisi. Our first year of Jaimini Sutra we had almost for two weeks held in Novi Sad, Serbia. In April 2010 we had it in beautiful Mountain Tara. Many jyotish aspirants from all around the world came to learn advanced jyotish principles. I am very thankful to them.

My name is Bojan Vidakovic and I started learning jyotish alone in January 2000 and later on in October 2001, I met my first jyotisha Guru Zoran Radosavljevic. With blessings of Tradition, in March 2005 I was inaugurated into jyotisha Guru. From that moment onwards I am teaching, doing readings, writing and translating. Also, there is a monthly Magazine “Astrologos” I was writing regularly for with a wish to show people a beauty of this Devine knowledge. This year I have finished BA Vedanga Jyotish at KKSU University of Nagpur, India. Currently I live and work in Sombor, Serbia where every Sunday I have morning classes… I hope that you will find many interesting articles in this site.

Jaya Jagannath

Aum Gurave Namah

this is my new blog about Jyotish or Vedic Astrology. I hope you will find here many interesting and useful things. If you have any suggestions please feel free and write to me.

Jaya Jagannath

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